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[Title: FuzzyFreak's Home Page]
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Reality Trail | Green Living | Philosophy | Nature | Music

Who Am I??

[Cartoon Hippy]

I am just your average tortured soul, attempting to lead a simple life in tune with mother nature and my spiritual path.

Following in the footsteps of the great transcendentalist, Henry David Thoreau, I have also found that those two things are deeply intertwined, and that the latter journey is best experienced through the enjoyment and appreciation of the former.  Indeed, just as the roots support the crown and upper branches of a tree, while in turn depending on the life energy which the leaves provide, so in similar fashion my earthly pursuits upon this planet tend to focus on things that have a higher connection as well, and in reverse, my spiritual values typically permeate throughout my everyday existence and interests.

Although I too eventually had to leave my little home by the pond (actually a small wooded swamp in my case), I continue to explore the mysteries of the universe - both the physical and the mystical - and I hereby humbly invite you to join me in my travels.  But whether you choose to come along or not, let me offer you this heartfelt injunction which I've paraphrased from the always inspiring words of Edward Abbey:

May your trails twist enough to maintain an interest in what lies around the next bend, be challenging enough to inspire you to push just a little further onward, and ultimately lead you to the most spectacular views!!

[Eyes Looking Over Line]

About This Web Site

So what do I hope to accomplish on this site that no one else currently offers??

Perhaps nothing!!  But then again...

This site represents the modest efforts of a neophyte attempting to learn the fundamentals of basic web design for the purpose of sharing a few simple green lifestyle precepts, a sizable portion of social philosophy, and an inspirational dose of my love of nature.  But the real driving force behind its creation was a desire to communicate with anyone who might be willing to take the time to contemplate the mystical realms that connect those "branches" to the very depths of their spiritual "roots".  That connection is expressed through a mind-bending tale that I call "Hiking The Mobius Trail To Reality" - the "trunk" of my little "tree" analogy, and a must-read for anyone wishing to obtain the highest level of appreciation for the other contents included herein.

And so, as I am able to expand and incorporate new links and information here, perhaps someone out there WILL find my lunacy in some small way beneficial to them as well.  It is certainly my hope that this is the case.

At any rate, thanks for visiting!!

~~ Disclaimer ~~

FuzzyFreak's web page is served daily to browsers of all types, at any time of the day. Please note that this site does not require one to eat minnows!!

~~ History ~~

spider web This web page was first created back in 1994 on another server as a single page mostly made up of links.  I learned the markup language that was current at the time (html 3.0), and hand-typed everything without the aid of the more efficient software programs that are available today.  Then, except for a few minor updates over the next year or two, it was promptly forgotten.  The move to this domain in 2006 allowed the creation of interim pages using the Dreamweaver program included in Adobe Creative Suite 3.  These served as placeholders for over a decade until my recent retirement provided enough time to re-visit the project, which will continue to be an on-going effort.  When the final strokes are in place (either in this lifetime or the next), it promises to be as different from the original as Jimi Hendrix was from Hank Williams!! 

~~ Content ~~

concert photoSpeaking of which...

Music transcends the physical cosmos, and all the harmonies of the universe are found within it, so it has always been a major part of my life.  I have therefore included a page herein with links to compilations of some favorite less mainstream '70s artists, along with a few articles that focus on related topics lying within that realm.  One major piece outlines the convoluted evolution of our system of scales from their origins with Pythagoras.  Others provide information on various musical styles, a summary of some basic music theory, and more.


ppp over profitOnce one reaches a certain point in their cosmic evolution, one's social perspectives and behavioral patterns tend to become so completely merged with one's spiritual philosophy that actions on this material plane are no longer performed without giving due consideration to their consequences - the ever-widening ripple effect that they impart on the world around us.   In fact, these two realms ideally become so intricately molded together that they form the very core of one's being such that the whole is soon identifiable only as one single essential nature.  As such, these principles manifest themselves as more than just fervently held beliefs, but the result truly becomes a "way of life".

For this reason I have very strong emotions (even though in the end nothing really matters) regarding the trends of society today, and this leads to my passion for activism on social and environmental issues.  My Green Living page provides a place to archive some of my thoughts in this area, including the history and fundamentals of the original German Green Party and its associated movement.  The reader will also find some insights on sustainability, critiques of corporate practices, and benefits of supporting and investing in green businesses...along with a whole cloth bag full of alternative ideas that the consumer can make use of in order to leave a much smaller footprint upon the planet.  To this end, this page also points to a repository for a large number of some valuable Green Resources links which the reader may find useful.

the thinkerIn light of the fact that it is quite difficult to live a green lifestyle totally isolated from the rest of society, and the actions of that society are generally influenced to some degree by the minds of great thinkers whose written output is so exhaustive that the average traveller through life cannot begin to absorb it all, it was imperative to include a Philosophy page for my summaries and reviews of those writings that were major factors along my path.  Some of these will hopefully entice the curious to explore further by actually reading the books, but at the very least my summaries will hopefully provide a basic foundation for understanding the concepts presented by the authors therein. 


me hikingBut enough sitting around!!  Arguably, the most breath-taking part of a tree is the amazing flowers and fruit that it often bears.  And what better way to explore and appreciate mother Nature than by actually getting out and hiking through it??  And how better to keep those memories fresh in one's mind and enjoyed by all than by preserving them with photos that can be shared??  Nature is where I find my soul connects with whatever lies beyond this physical world, so has been another very important part of my life, and I have added a page for posting those memories that I have collected over the years so far from this planet's garden of delight.  While most of these are local to my area at this point, I anticipate documenting further, more expansive, travels as I am able do so. 


mystic triangle eyeClimbing up a bit higher in the tree, one finds the more ethereal realm of the mind.  Having come of age during the late '60s and early '70s in Amerika, I was afforded the unique opportunity to explore a few areas well beyond the boundaries of what is considered "reality" for most people.  As a result, my path has led me to a destination most folks would not dare even dream of.  In my exposition entitled "Hiking The Mobius Trail To Reality" I present some of the amazing revelations gleaned from my journey.

This story really ties together the entire picture of how our everyday actions and choices affect progress on the spiritual trek we are all embarked on, with consequences in the here and now - not just in some imagined "afterlife".  It is essential reading for anyone that knows me and wants to understand what may seem to be my "very weird viewpoints", but it is also highly recommended for everyone else as well, as it is my conviction that it provides an important piece  of background logic in understanding the relevance, purpose, and content of this web site - not to mention one's time on this material plane.

~~ Hiking The Mobius Trail To Reality ~~

This tale starts with the exploration of strange objects such as one-sided pieces of paper, bottles with no inside/outside, a two-dimensional world called Flatland, and a consideration of what a fourth spatial dimension might be like if there was one.  It then progresses to the psychedelic era, where a couple of Harvard professors experience the loss of everything that they know as "themselves', but still realize their existence.  Known as "the process of individuation", this phenominon was previously described by Carl Jung, with origins in the Tibetan Book Of The Dead.  Their subsequent search for an explanation led them to India, where they met with quite a few surprises.  From here, I make a quick foray into mysticism and the occult, before examining some interesting conclusions obtained from a brief study of Gnosticism and Platonic philosophy.  This all landed me squarely in the realm of eastern spiritual philosophy...which turns out to be the roots of my "tree".

So grab your favorite beverage, get comfortable, and click Next Page to begin...


For those who have already read "Hiking The Mobius Trail To Reality" and want to jump directly to the Eastern Wisdom page, click HERE.


This page was last updated on February 12, 2023

Always remember to "Think Green" because good planets are hard to find!!  

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